
I’m a multi-media producer based out of Atlanta. I love telling stories and thrive when given a blank canvas.

a few examples

Short Form Reel

Here are some of my favorite directorial/cinematography projects to date.

Motion Graphics & Illustrative

I was tasked with taking informative copy and turning it into a short engaging promo advertising a unique program for Kennesaw State University.

This video is a great blend of kinetic graphic text and illustrations.

Produced Podcasts

I was tasked with creating a podcast for a nationwide financial firm visually, technically, and sonically. The end result became the Wisdom For Wealth For Life Podcast for Ronald Blue Trust.


Naomi King, The Butterfly Queen: From Tragedy to Peace

Naomi King, sister in law to Dr. Martin Luther King had first-hand experience with the civil rights movement having being married to A.D King MLK’s brother.

I was asked to help turn her stories into a feature length documentary. Once I caught a vision for it, I began to storyboard the opening sequence and soon production began. We recorded most of the interviews of Naomi King in Israel, which was always a lifetime dream for her to visit.